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The Oscillation of the Mind: Craving, Aversion, and Liberation

In the intricate landscape of the mind, a constant ebb and flow exists between craving/clinging, and aversion/hatred. These mental states, often fuelled by a desire for something more or different, create a cycle that can lead to profound suffering. In this exploration, we delve into the essence of craving, the insidious nature of aversion, and the transformative power of observing sensations at the body level to attain liberation.

The Nature of Craving:

Craving, at its core, is the yearning for something, driven by a perceived lack or dissatisfaction. It transcends the mere desire for material possessions; it extends to the intangible realms of recognition, love, success, and beyond. Paradoxically, the object of our craving becomes secondary – it is the sensation we seek. Craving, therefore, is an addiction to the pursuit of elusive sensations, perpetuating a cycle of discontent.

The Allure of Craving:

Craving holds a captivating allure, promising fulfilment, and happiness. However, the insatiable nature of craving ensures that satisfaction remains elusive. The mind, fixated on what is not present, overlooks the beauty of the present moment. This constant yearning creates a breeding ground for misery, as it is inherently tied to the impermanence of life.

The Trap of Clinging:

Clinging emerges as the natural companion to craving. Once an object of desire is obtained, the mind clings to it, expecting lasting satisfaction. However, impermanence dictates that all things, whether material possessions, relationships, or experiences, are transient. Clinging, driven by a misguided belief in permanence, sets the stage for disappointment and suffering when the inevitable change occurs.

The Complexity of Aversion:

In the intricate dance of the mind, aversion plays a significant role.  Aversion arises when faced with experiences, people, or situations that elicit discomfort or displeasure. This resistance to what is perceived as undesirable further entangles the mind in a web of negativity. Aversion, much like craving, is rooted in the rejection of the present moment, an attempt to distance oneself from unpleasant sensations. The resistance to what is only amplifies suffering, as the mind becomes ensnared in a cycle of aversion and hatred, pushing away what it deems unpleasant. Just as craving and clinging trap us in a pursuit of the unattainable, aversion binds us to the futile struggle against the inevitable. To break free from this cycle, it is crucial to extend the practice of mindful observation to moments of aversion and hatred, embracing the discomfort with the same equanimity applied to craving and clinging. In doing so, we unravel the knots of negativity, paving the way for a more liberated and harmonious existence.

Observing Sensations at the Body Level:

The path to liberation lies in breaking free from the oscillation between craving and aversion. This liberation involves a profound shift in perspective – a redirection of attention from external objects to internal sensations. By cultivating mindfulness and observing sensations at the body level, one can disrupt the habitual patterns of craving and aversion.

Equanimity as the Key:

The practice of observing sensations at the body level requires cultivating equanimity – the ability to remain balanced and detached in the face of pleasure or pain. This equanimity is not indifference; rather, it is a deep understanding of the impermanent and ever-changing nature of sensations. By embracing the present moment without judgment, one can break free from the shackles of craving and aversion.

The Path to Liberation:

Liberation, in this context, is not an escape from the world but a profound transformation of one's relationship with it. Through the mindful observation of sensations, individuals can achieve a state of inner peace and freedom from the relentless pursuit of external sources of happiness. Liberation is found in the acceptance of impermanence, in the ability to find contentment in the present, and in the understanding that true fulfilment lies within.


The oscillation of the mind between craving and aversion is a universal human experience. However, the journey towards liberation begins with a shift in perspective – from external pursuits to internal observations. By mindfully observing sensations at the body level, embracing equanimity, and understanding the impermanence of all things, one can pave the way for a life free from the chains of craving and aversion. In this newfound freedom, true happiness and contentment become attainable, leading the way to a path of lasting liberation.


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